Category Archives: Blog

Shed Stocks to Grow and Stabilize Wealth

Since 2021, Richard Branson has lost half his fortune due to stock market volatility. Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, has seen his investment portfolio tumble since 2021 due in large part to his heavy allocation to stocks. ​​ ​​Billionaire and Virgin Group founder Richard Branson’s wealth has tumbled by more than half since […]

Invest In What You Can Understand

What if you based all your investment decisions on CNBC? I would tell you that you would be disappointed in your results, but that’s exactly what many investors do. They keep coming back to CNBC for investing advice, even when the results of that advice are often underwhelming. Why do investors follow CNBC, and why […]

What Are Your Investing Goals For 2024?

To invest means to: “Expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial plans, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.” What the definition of investing doesn’t take into account are the non-monetary elements that go into some investments and the non-monetary […]

Nepo Billionaires Wealth

According to global investment banking and financial services company UBS, a total of 137 new billionaires sprang onto the scene this year. Hamilton, Isobel Asher, “Billionaires Inherit More Wealth Than They Make” (November 30, 2023 – The Daily Upside). As you can guess from the title of the article, the amount inherited by a number […]

It’s A Myth: Savvy Investors Are Not Holding Cash

In today’s uncertain and tumultuous market, we often hear about savvy investors like busy professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners, sitting on the sidelines hoarding cash.  The assumption is that they’d rather sit on cash than risk losses in a volatile market.  But, if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find that these savvy investors aren’t […]