Monthly Archives: June 2020

Try Partnering With Wall Street

Mainstream investing is about Wall Street but can you trust the system? There are common but illegal ways the individual investor can get shut out and lose money on Wall Street. On the illegal side you have the following shameless activities that rob investors: Insider Trading. Made famous by movies like Wall Street, insider trading […]

Key Distinction of the Wealthy

From the outside looking in, many people think the wealthy have some complicated algorithm running 24/7 on a supercomputer locked away in a backroom for making them rich. The reality is, self-made millionaires, live by one simple rule: DON’T RELY ON SALARY ALONE TO BUILD WEALTH In a revealing article in Business Insider by Thomas C. Corley […]

Investing: Simple > Complex

There is no one machine, program, or algorithm out there that has successfully and consistently predicted and beat the market. This is because stock prices are mostly random and unpredictable. Sure, some analysts get lucky some of the time, but for the most part, most advisors fail most of the time. The market is highly […]

Forcing Wall Street To Grow

Some are anxiously wringing their hands wondering about their financial futures – wondering what Wall Street has in store for them next. Others are holding their heads in their hands – reeling from the economic fallout from the Wall Street roller coaster. For those who cashed out at the bottom of the latest ride, the […]