The High-Net-Worth Challenge

There’s no documented proof that Thomas Jefferson ever said the following statement, but the wisdom of those words is undeniable. “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” –Thomas Jefferson (unconfirmed) Do you aspire to be wealthy? Have you ever seriously considered the above question? Do […]

Wealthy Investors Smart to Favor Real Estate Over Wall Street

The mindset of an individual investor and that of a savvy, ultra-wealthy investor are very different. Driven by emotion, the constant search for excitement, and being part of the crowd, average individual investors gravitate toward speculative investments despite their inherent risks and high probability of failure. In contrast, savvy ultra-wealthy investors prefer stable, long-term, income-producing […]

Shed Stocks to Grow and Stabilize Wealth

Since 2021, Richard Branson has lost half his fortune due to stock market volatility. Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, has seen his investment portfolio tumble since 2021 due in large part to his heavy allocation to stocks. ​​ ​​Billionaire and Virgin Group founder Richard Branson’s wealth has tumbled by more than half since […]

Invest In What You Can Understand

What if you based all your investment decisions on CNBC? I would tell you that you would be disappointed in your results, but that’s exactly what many investors do. They keep coming back to CNBC for investing advice, even when the results of that advice are often underwhelming. Why do investors follow CNBC, and why […]