Author Archives: Michael Foley

You Cannot Save Yourself To Wealth

Saving won’t make you rich. Saving is just delaying gratification. It’s not an emergency plan, not a wealth plan. Instead of spending your money now, you’re saving it for some time in the future. You’re saving for a rainy day… The problem is saving won’t make you wealthy. It won’t give you the ability to live […]

How NOT To Lose Sleep Over Retirement

According to a recent Bankrate survey, more than half of Americans lose sleep over their finances – with healthcare, expenses, and saving for retirement among the biggest worries. This Bankrate survey was conducted in 2019 – before the COVID pandemic. Those numbers are undoubtedly higher now – a year after the start of the pandemic and one of the worst […]

Investing Timing: When To Start – NOW!

The difference between the elite investors and the average retail investor is that the right time to invest is always now for elite investors. The retail investor is preoccupied with timing the market. They are always questioning whether there is a good time to be investing. Take the current Wall Street investing environment, for example. […]

Profiting From The Next Major Investor Pivot 

If recent memory is any indication, we can expect to see a seismic shift where investors place their capital very soon. Recent patterns have shown investors’ drastic shifts from overvalued equities to under-valued tangible assets such as commodities, private businesses, and real assets once equities hit bubble territory. Two of the most recent examples were the dot-com […]